How to setup Sendlane to collect emails

And to make sure your collected emails are added to your email flow


1. Decide if you want to add emails to an existing list or a new one

IF you want to use an existing list:

great just get the list ID and save it in HiTide. You can skip steps 2 and 3 - you’re done!

IF you want to use a new list:

we need a new list and new Email Welcome Series flow for HiTide. Proceed to steps 2 and 3 below.

2. Create a new list

a. Go to Audience / Lists / + List


b. Name the new list

You can use whatever name works for you.


c. Get the list ID

Go to Audience / Lists / Copy the list ID


e. Save list ID in HiTide

Paste list ID here


That's it! Easy right?